A Little About Me
I believe it’s my purpose to inspire others to take the first step towards a lifelong passion for exploration. I believe that travel isn’t just an experience, it’s a lifestyle. When you start looking at life as a great adventure, you begin to welcome the unknown, and get outside of your comfort zone.
I was born in Ohio, a transplant to the sunshine state, and I'm a lifetime addict of travel. My love languages are wine and plane tickets. I enjoy the two so much, I even named my cats after wine (Syrah, and Pinot), and my kids after places (Sienna and London).

My husband and I met more than two decades ago, bonding over a shared love of travel, and we haven’t stopped finding new adventures since. Two children, four fur babies, and a world of travel under our belts. You might guess we have a few stories to share. I usually do the words, and he does the photos, but sometimes we switch roles just to surprise you.
Thanks for wandering around my little corner of the web and listening to our stories. I hope they bring a smile to your face, and inspire your next trip.